Ten years from now this conversation about 'contacting ET's' will sound absurd. They're here, they know the game, they will make themselves visible at a time of their choosing, when we're ready to give up our entitled view of the universe. And if you want to talk to them, forget the expensive equipment and inflated salaries. Just ask sincerely. Sit for a few moons in silence. Listen with an open heart. You will be contacted.

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As a certified energy healer, light transmission is the only explanation that makes sense, particularly when working remotely. I can be miles away from the person receiving treatment. Information comes to me nearly instantaneously from the patient's seven major chakras (wheels of light). I can feel if a patient has had recent chemotherapy. I send color and energetic adjustments to the light of each chakra, returning them back to their ideal color and health. Pain can be alleviated. Thank-you for this excellent article on biophotons!

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