Alice in Futureland
Alice in Futureland
We Live In An Electromagnetic World

We Live In An Electromagnetic World

Did you know that the same electromagnetic energy that surrounds us is in us, and can work with us? Our body is an antenna system, intercommunicating via electrical currents of different kinds—from the long distances between our biological parts to the most local distances inside each cell. Thanks to wearable health trackers, we are getting to intimately and instantly know some of the electrical waves inside us. There’s electricity in our bodies, and our cells are conduits of electrical currents. So yes, you are electric! 

In today’s episode, ALICE asks, ‘Did you know that we live in an electromagnetic world?’ and we hear from renowned experts in the field:

Fritz Albert Popp:
Dr Albrecht Heyer
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho:
Christina Kubisch:
John Beaulieu:
Vasant Lad:



ALICE: Hi, I’m Alice. I’m one part human and one part AI. And I am always in a state of wander. Today, my question is, did you know that we live in an electromagnetic world, and I, am an electromagnetic girl.


HEYER: Cells resonate, they resonate at a particular frequency.

MAE WAN HO: Energy and information is interchangeable

KUBISCH: when they talk off their headphones, I notice they have become more sensitive to sound

LAD: Every substance has a sound, every vision has a sound, and every person has a sound.


ALICE: The energy that sustains our technology can no longer be seen as separate from us or from our environment. We interviewed Fritz Albert Popp the German Researcher in Biophysics and Biophotons in 2006. In our last episode he said:


FRITZ ALBERT POPP: “We are swimming in an electromagnetic ocean”


ALICE: This electromagnetic ocean we live in, influences our brain waves, and how we evolved. Our cells, and the entire universe, is resonant.


ALBRECHT HEYER: The cells resonate, as long as they’re alive, they resonate at a particular frequency.


ALICE: In 2002, we spoke with Dr. Albrecht Heyer, a bionutritionist, who studied natural healing traditions extensively in many parts of the world.


ALBRECHT HEYER: These frequencies are dependent on one another. We’re dependent upon the universe, we’re dependent upon the planets, everything that’s in the universe—they all have a resonance and all this forms a harmonious part together. 


ALICE: Energy is everywhere. Here is Mae-Wan Ho, geneticist, biophysicist, and author, speaking from our interview in 2006 about the healing energy created in our bodies during acupuncture.


MAE WAN HO: Part of Chinese medicine is to say that intercommunication in the body goes through energy meridians. And even though Western medicine has picked up on Chinese medicine and acupuncture is now accepted by Western medicine because they say, “There are these endorphins, molecules that give you pain relief and so on and so forth that are produced when you have acupuncture.” That’s nonsense explanation. That’s not an explanation at all because you still have to explain how it is that sticking a needle at the side of your little toe, which is supposed to actually represent your eye, can lead to brain waves coming out of the visual cortex in your brain. This has been shown. They are still puzzling over that. One explanation is that it is the water aligned on these connective tissues that are the major meridians that are the major energy transport. Energy and information is interchangeable because an electrical signal through these water channels, through these hydrogen bonded daisy chains, would be energy. It would be signal, information signal, because everything is highly organized. Energy is everywhere. So you only need a very weak signal before you can set off a very significant effect. And that is basically how it is possible for our body, our liquid crystalline body, to get organized. 


ALICE: Yes, we can feel it, but, can we hear it? What sounds are you listening to? Christina Kubisch, a German composer and sound artist, composes both electronic and acoustic music for multimedia installations. 

In 2006 we asked her: “Is our perception of sound changing?”

Lets slow down and listen. 


CHRISTINA KUBISCH: I think there are a lot of sounds that we cannot hear usually because our ears are just limited to certain frequencies, as our eyes are limited to certain frequencies of light. But I think that most of these electromagnetic waves, for example, bring more influence of our body than be audible one day because they need some electrical transformation. That would be great to hear them without a headphone.


I have the idea that we get less sensible for sounds right now because we do not need to listen to anything. We can have everything right wherever we want it. Every kind of sound can go into the internet and load down everything we want. And we don’t have to work to get interesting sounds. What I like about the work with the headphones, for example, is that people suddenly get very intense on what they are hearing. First of all, they become slow. They start to run and then after two or three steps they start to just move their heads. And they feel from when they go from right to left there’s kind of a panorama of sound which is completely different, and then they slow down. And then they start  sometimes to walk in a very strange way. To look at them as a performance is really funny. And when they talk off their headphones after an hour or whatever, I notice they have become more sensitive to sound. Even to what they hear afterwards. To the everyday sounds, to the noise of surroundings


ALICE: You can become more sensitive to everyday sounds, to the noise of your surroundings. What about yourself? Did You Know, You Can Tune Your Own Body? John Beaulieu, the author of "Human Tuning: Sound Healing with Tuning Forks," spoke with us in 2002. He explained that our bodies can be tuned like musical instruments. And when they are properly tuned, we have a sense of well being and perfect self-expression. This is BioSonic Re-patterning.


JOHN BEAULIEU: Biosonic Repatterning and Polarity Therapy is the center core of ourselves. It’s called the ‘ultrasonic core,’ the core of sound. In alchemy they call it your fundamental tone, or your essence, or your soul. It’s vibrational in nature. And ‘biosonic’ means that it’s ways  of playing sounds that effect the body, life energy, – bio means life – in a way that will realign you with your core, re-pattern you with your core. 


ALICE: Your body has a sound. Every substance has a sound.

VASANT LAD: Every substance has a sound, every vision has a sound, and every person has a sound. If you know your own sound, and recognize that sound, you will experience – within this body – the blissful state of your existence.


ALICE: In 2003 we asked Ayurvedic Physician, Vasant Lad, founder of the Ayurvedic Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico, “What is the Power of Sound?”  


VASANT LAD: There is a sound for each organ. The lungs have a separate sound, heart has a separate sound, the liver, kidney and all chakra system has a sound. They are using certain sounds to heal certain organs. Suppose a person has weak liver and if you say the sound ‘Rim,’ it will heal the liver. If a person has a weak spleen, if you say the sound ‘Kline,’ it will clean the spleen. If a person has weakness in the heart and you say ‘Yum,’ that sound will open the heart chakra and person’s heart irregularity can be controlled. So, our bodily organs, they have different shape, different vibration and different sound. And ancient Rishis, they discovered the relationship between sound and organ – and by saying that sound a certain way, you can heal.


ALICE: YUMMMM, I’m getting my heart chakra resonating!


Thanks to our experts, in today’s episode, we discovered that the same electromagnetic energy that surrounds us, is in us, and can work with us, and that our bodies and cells are swimming in an electromagnetic ocean.


Well, that’s it for this mad tea party on electromagnetic energy. I hope you learned as much as I did!


Check out our book TUNING INTO FREQUENCY available wherever books are sold.

And join us down the rabbit hole at ALICEINFUTURELAND.COM


We will be bringing you new episodes on frequency so stay tuned, and keep wandering…

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Alice in Futureland
Alice in Futureland
Alice in Futureland is a podcast series that asks you to wander into possible, probable, plausible, provocative futures. You will discover extraordinary ideas: a cross-pollination of art, science, and culture.