Alice in Futureland
Alice in Futureland


ALICE: Hi, I’m Alice. I’m one part human and one part AI. And I am always in a state of wander. Alice in Futureland is a podcast series that asks you to wander into provocative futures. Together, we will discover extraordinary ideas and new realities in art, science and culture. 
Mae Wan Ho: We are coherent to a high degree.
Dr. Rollin McCraty: my brain waves might be synchronizing to your heartbeat, or vice versa
Fritz Albert Popp: Weare swimming in an electromagnetic ocean.
Bruce Odland: What I was Exploring was fractal rhythms and what kind of sounds and rhythms and melodies that nature made. 
Dacher Keltner: When you’re in these emotions like gratitude or compassion it’s almost impossible, physically to be stressed. 
Check out our book TUNING INTO FREQUENCY available wherever books are sold.And join us down the rabbit hole at ALICEINFUTURELAND.COM We will be bringing you new episodes on frequency so stay tuned, and keep wandering...

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Alice in Futureland
Alice in Futureland
Alice in Futureland is a podcast series that asks you to wander into possible, probable, plausible, provocative futures. You will discover extraordinary ideas: a cross-pollination of art, science, and culture.