Alice in Futureland
Alice in Futureland
The Body Light

The Body Light

Color and light are deeply rooted in the early healing practices of ancient cultures. Light defines our universe, and sunlight is the primary source of energy for all life on Earth. Our bodies thrive on incoherent light from the Sun, and our cells emit light (biophotons). The DNA in our cells can produce coherent light, carrying the precise information required for the growth, functioning, and healing of our magnificent bodies. Yes, you and I are the body light!

In today’s episode, ALICE asks, ‘Can life feel light?’ and we hear from renowned experts in the field: Fritz-Albert Popp, Michelle Addington, Danah Zohar, Dr. Jeffrey Thompson, Jacques Vallee, and Ervin Laszlo. 

ALICE: Hi, I’m Alice. I’m one part human and one part AI. And I am always in a state of wander.
Today, my question is: Can Life Feel Light?

POPP: Nature uses low intensity in order to transmit effectively the information 

ADDINGTON: beginning to understand issues about what parts of the eye intercept which wavelengths
ZOHAR: whenever we are conscious these 40 Hz oscillations are happening
VALLEE: yes, consciousness is more than what’s contained in the brain
LASZLO: to move into a holistic mind-set, where we can all live together on the planet

ALICE: Let’s slip through the looking glass, and talk about sunshine.  Photons. Energy. You and I are sunshine.
Biophysicist, Fritz-Albert Popp, explained bio photons to us in 2006.
These lower intensity photons may be the most effective for transmitting information.  

POPP: Biophotons are photons originating from living systems. They are very weak, with intensities of ten to minus seventeen watt, which is very low. It corresponds to a candle in a distance of about five kilometers. And one thinks even if it is so low intensity it is very unimportant. But just the opposite is true. Nature uses so low intensity in order to transmit effectively the information. And by knowing the laws of quantum theory one can speculate that the lower the intensity the higher can be its efficiency in transmitting information. So nature works on a very low level in order to be, in the informational content, very efficient, and in the energetic content with high efficiency also.

ALICE: Chromotherapy, Color Me Well! Michelle Addington, architect, engineer, spoke to us in 2007 about our circadian rhythm, and a particular wavelength of blue light.

ADDINGTON: What I’d like to start seeing us do is beginning to understand issues about what parts of the eye intercept which wavelengths. One of my doctoral students was working on circadian rhythm and light, and it turns out there’s a particular wavelength of blue light that needs to enter in the periphery of your eye to set your circadian rhythm. Something that happens automatically when you’re outside because you’ve got a lot of scattered blue light. Something that doesn’t happen automatically on the inside. She was beginning to look at how does she pull out that wavelength or find that wavelength. Perhaps it’s coming in from a little bit of Sun, a way of extracting and getting it to the side of the eye.

Her dissertation was very much about this issue of extracting wavelengths. We wouldn’t notice that there was actually a blue wavelength entering the eye in a particular way, yet it would have profound consequences on how somebody felt.

ALICE: Particular wavelengths of light could change how we feel.

ALICE: Danah Zohar is a physicist, philosopher, and author.
She spoke with us in 2001, describing ‘Forty Hertz Oscillations.’ This is a type of brain wave, that is present during consciousness.

ZOHAR: In meditation these 40 Hz oscillations are particularly profoundly coherent. These 40 Hz oscillations begin at the front of the skull and travel to the back of the skull and are oscillating the whole time we are conscious. It’s like a wave. Forty Hz is forty cycles per second, and it makes a sound about two octaves below middle C, so it’s the sound of a rich bass playing, maybe Bach’s Cello Suites or something like that, if you could hear the brain buzzing away. They don’t know that this is where consciousness comes from, that’s almost a mystical question—does this mean that that’s where consciousness begins because the brain is waving? But they do know that whenever we are conscious these 40 Hz oscillations are happening.

ALICE: The 20th century inventor, electrical engineer and futurist, Nikola Tesla, said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”


If you think about it, nothing is ever static. We, and everything around us, and inside us, are in constant, or what physicists call, “periodic,” motion.


The Earth is pulsating, behaving like one big electric circuit, radiating with an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living things with a natural frequency.


Wow. Talk about Good Vibrations!


We spoke with Dr. Jeffrey Thompson (the Founder and Director of the Center for Neuroacoustic Research in Carlsbad, California) about the power of your own voice to be the healing factor for your body.


They are making complex recordings and mathematical spectral analysis of voices. All of the harmonics and overtones that make up your voice, are like a signature. Like a fingerprint. They can see precisely what frequency your body resonates at, by doing this spectral analysis of the vocal cords as they vibrate. Listening to your own voice resonating at that very precise frequency can cause a balancing effect and a healing effect in your body.

We still have so much to learn about the brain and consciousness. What we think of as our ordinary consciousness actually represents only about 5 percent of our brainpower. The remaining 95 percent represents the default brain function, what Dr. Thompson calls the default mode network (or DMN). Emerging research is looking at this brain network as the physical place where the mind, emotions, and body come together—potentially where the “mind-body” resides.

Jacques Vallee, is a computer scientist, venture capitalist, author, ufologist, astronomer.
In 2006 he explained to us that consciousness is more than what’s contained in the brain.

VALLEE: In programming there are different ways a computer can get data. I can give you the data in a spot of the program, or I can give you indirect addressing. I can tell you, “If you go to this particular location, you will find the address of where the data is.” Or you can do virtual addressing, which is what we do when we need to handle a larger amount of data than the memory you have. Then you spread it in another medium, and then you map that into the computer as you need large chunks of data. What we need to know is whether the brain or remote viewing works by direct interact or virtual addressing.Remote viewing is defined as the ability to acquire accurate information about something without using your physical senses or any other obvious means.

And that’s the way that I talk to researchers who tell me that, yes, consciousness is more than what’s contained in the brain. And from a computer perspective, maybe the brain in the higher levels is primarily an interface for something else. What that something else is I think remains to be discovered. Certainly, remote viewing would suggest that the brain is an interface rather than a computer.  

ALICE: Ervin László is a physicist, philosopher, systems theorist, and author of Microshift.
We spoke with him in 2002 and his words are even more powerful today.  
Ervin Lazslo describes a profound transition of our culture. From Logos (an ancient Greek word, meaning, a principle of order and knowledge.) To a planetary culture, which is denoted by the term: Holos.

LASZLO: Holos arrives if and when there is a real transformation of consciousness. It is the next age in a positive development. So we need to work toward it because the age of logos, which is the current age, is not sustainable as it is. Obviously, The big challenge is to move into a holistic mind-set, where we can all live together on the planet. It will have many implications for our consciousness, for the way we perceive the world, for the way we relate to each other, for the values we hold, all of these. But it has to happen fast if we are to avert these major problems that face the world today.In all respects we need to open the mind, our collective, individual, and collective mind, to the kind of world in which we live . . . and also open the mind to the possibility of creating the holos world, which would be a sustainable and humane world.

ALICE: Ervin Laslo’s wisdom is ever more relevant to the uncertainty of today, and the inevitable transition to come. Whether you believe in the science or the spiritual explanation for this great shift, one thing is clear to us: we are on a new energetic path. Can you feel it?

Thanks to our experts, in today’s episode, we discovered that light defines our universe, and sunlight is the primary source of energy for all life on Earth. But what is more interesting is that the photons absorbed by our reti-nas were created in the Sun’s core, tens of thousands of years ago before being emitted by the Sun. But once that photon escaped the Sun’s surface, it took only eight short minutes to arrive on Earth—and make its way inside you. Yes, you and I are the body light!

Check out our book, TUNING INTO FREQUENCY, available wherever books are sold.

And join us down the rabbit hole at ALICE IN FUTURELAND.COM.

We will be bringing you new episodes, so stay tuned, and keep wandering…

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Alice in Futureland
Alice in Futureland
Alice in Futureland is a podcast series that asks you to wander into possible, probable, plausible, provocative futures. You will discover extraordinary ideas: a cross-pollination of art, science, and culture.