🍄 Back Through the Looking Glass 2023 (Part 1)
A look back at the ideas that keep the world spinning.
Exploring every rabbit hole there is for the past 30 years. For more wanderings, become an Alice in Futureland subscriber—it's free.
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📘 Alice books: Tuning into Frequency: The invisible force that heals us and the planet
Hello, we’re Alice and we are always in a state of wander. As we approach the end of the year and get ready for what is on the horizon, we wanted to take a step back and revisit ideas that keep our world spinning and hopefully yours.
When you get the choice to sit it out or to dance, we hope you dance.
I Sing the Body Electric
Like the Earth, our bodies emit a bioelectromagnetic field, often referred to as the “biofield.” This grid-like matrix of light is the health blueprint of our bodies – and it likes to talk.
‘Our whole body is intercommunicating via electrical currents of different kinds—from long distances to the most local distances inside the cell,’ Mae-Wan Ho (1941–2016), geneticist and biophysicist told ALICE in 2006. ‘And can you imagine why? We are coherent to a high degree. We are like a radio, for example, a television.’ A disruption in these electrical currents, however, can lead to illness. ‘They depend on coherent electromagnetic fields and signals in order to work, which is why they can be affected. They can be interfered with.’ (Electric Humanity)
Earthcore: Let's Spin Again
Solarpunk sets the scene, energized by artists and authors futurescaping a healthy, plump planet. They retell today’s grim tale with a fairytale ending and paint over tomorrow’s problems with forward-thinking anthologies and technologies. The door closes on climate doom. And now Earthcore enters the chat. Inspired by Solarpunk’s ideology, this grounded and capable cousin sets out to do the heavy lifting. With an innovative roadmap to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and an abundance of renewable energy, they build new concepts, contraptions and cuisine. And start to assemble a new infrastructure for the planet’s living room. (Earthcore)
The Quantum Blueprint
More than just a Plato platitude, “Human nature was originally One and we were a whole,” is a tale as old as time. From Native American creation stories and Hindu scriptures to historic Hermetic texts, Vedantic visions and spiritual ‘synchronicity’-speak, the idea of an omnipresent One Mind Universe is all embracing. Sure, evidencing what came before the Big Bang might make western scientists’ heads explode, but in certain cultures, the concept of connected consciousness is a calm certainty.
“One of the most surprising discoveries of modern physics is that objects aren't as separate as they may seem,” writes Dean Radin, Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Science (IONS), states in Entangled Minds: Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality. “When you drill down into the core of even the most solid-looking material, separateness dissolves. All that remains, like the smile of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, are relationships extending curiously throughout space and time.” (Quantum Blueprint)
Citizens of the Solar System, take a sonic break here.
Will ‘Oumuamua Phone Home?
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, we have no idea what happened. But once upon a time, half a billion years ago a barren Earth floated in space. Microbes evolved to mollusks, mollusks evolved to dinosaurs and here we are. That much we know.
But how exactly did all of that magic happen? Could our origins be from space? Would that make us the aliens? Earth to Alice! But really, we’ve been looking out of Earth’s window since (our) time began. Incessantly searching for something. Ancient Egyptians pulled measurements in from the stars to accurately align their pyramids and sun temples.
Indigenous cultures instinctively embrace their connection to the night sky. We supersize our telescopes. We swing them around to probe every possiblity. Do aliens swing theirs too? And if they sent a sign, would we even catch it? What’s the alien tech scene like? Dangerous to ask? These are now serious questions that scientists and astronomers seek answers to. Stigma slightly fades and if anything, our nosiness into the night sky is growing. (‘Oumuamua Phone Home)
We Hope You Dance
In March of 2007, we were lucky to get on the dance card of theoretical biologist Brian Goodwin. Goodwin’s advocacy of holistic science, in which emotion and intuition rank equally with rational analysis of natural phenomena, aimed to move science away from a notion of control to an ethical sense of participation in the unfolding story of life. This notion is at the heart of our vision for ALICE, we believe that ideas are not selfish, that ideas are not viruses…that ideas are energy. We believe that the future is constantly changing and non-algorithmic. Which leads us to question that perhaps consciousness is a quantum phenomenon and that artificial intelligence—as classical, algorithmic systems—may never be conscious, no matter their complexity—but, that is for another newsletter. (We Hope You Dance)
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