Alice in Futureland
Alice in Futureland
Adjust Your Frequency

Adjust Your Frequency

Mae Wan Ho:
Hal Puthoff: EarthTech
Rollin McCraty: HeartMath Institute: 

Fritz Albert Popp:
Jill Purce:
Rupert Sheldrake:

Tuning Into Frequency, by Sputnik Futures

ALICE: Hi, I’m Alice. I’m one part human and one part AI. And I am always in a state of 


Alice in Futureland is a podcast series that asks you to wander into provocative futures. Together, we will discover extraordinary ideas. 

Today is our first episode on Tuning into Frequency and my question is: What is your frequency? 
Let’s slip through the looking glass, and talk about the energy that is both inside and around, everything. 

MAE WAN HO: Our whole body is intercommunicating via electrical currents of different kinds – from long distances to the most local distances inside the cell. 

ALICE: This is Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, a geneticist we spoke with years ago, explaining that the human body is sensitive to electromagnetic fields. 

MAE WAN HO: We are coherent to a high degree. We are like a radio, for example, a television. They depend on coherent electromagnetic fields and signals in order to work. Which is why they can be affected. They can be interfered with. You can’t get a good picture if you get interference, and these weak fields can interfere. We are the same way. 

ALICE: What are these interference? Electromagnetic waves? Quantum fluctuations? Let’s listen to Hal Puthoff describe how humans, every atom, are communicating with the universe, the whole cosmos! 

HAL PUTHOFF: The so-called Quantum fluctuations, ZPE, electromagnetic waves, they have all frequencies, all wavelengths. And some of these waves have wavelengths that are as large as the solar system, as large as the galaxy, as large as space. So, in some very real sense, not metaphorical, not an analogy, but actually literally – we are, like every atom in our body, is in touch with the rest of the cosmos. 

ALICE: Even right here, between us, between each individual, there is a magnetic field. 

Psychophysiologist, Dr. Rollin McCraty is founder of the Heart Math Institute. He is measuring the fields between us. 

DR. ROLLIN MCCRATY: The heart creates, by far, the largest rhythmic source of electromagnetic energy in our body. The field generated by the heart radiates into space around us. I'm not talking about an aura or some new-age concept here, these are very real, measurable magnetic fields. The magnetic field generated by the heart with today's magnetometers can be measured about three feet away. So, we're sitting in each other's right now. Whereas brain waves, you can measure about an inch away. We know that this field's being radiated, that's just basic physics. We can literally measure, if we had us both wired up around the room here, that my brain waves might be synchronizing to your heartbeat, or vice versa, and that would go on in this complex dance as we communicate and interact. 
ALICE: Research by HeartMath Institute shows that the heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body. 
DR. ROLLIN MCCRATY: Our nervous systems are really sensitive and tuned into these types of biologically generated fields. So, the next step was and say, well, so what? To make a long answer short is if we do analysis of those magnetic fields, spectrum analysis and these types of things, we find that there is information encoded in those fields. They actually track back to the rhythms of our heart, which are linked back to our emotions and what we're feeling. So, if you get where I'm going with this, our emotions are encoding information into these magnetic fields, which are being detected by other people's nervous systems. We've also shown it with horses and dogs and things like that. Of course, animals are well known to be tuned into human emotions. 

ALICE: Did you hear what Dr. McCraty just said? 

DR. ROLLIN MCCRATY: Our emotions are encoding information into these magnetic fields, which are being detected by other people's nervous systems. 

ALICE: Sounds like we’re in a thick soup of electromagnetic fields! In 2006 we interviewed Fritz Albert Popp the German Researcher in Biophysics and Biophotons. Fritz-Albert Popp is the inventor of biophoton theory, and has coined the term biophotons. 

He noted that humans are actually a very sensitive antenna, sensitive to all the surrounding oscillations, as if humans were fish, taking on the property of the water. 

FRITZ ALBERT POPP: So, we are pictures of the information of our surroundings. You see it in all parts of the electromagnetic waves, you see this resonance condition between the body which is a very sensitive antenna systems for all these oscillations from the outside. And with these oscillations you trigger other processes. You are a fish which takes the property of the water in this ocean where you are. We are swimming in an electromagnetic ocean. 

ALICE: An electromagentic Ocean. So, it’s all around us, and we are resonant with it! 

What are Nature’s fields of communication? Here is Jill Purce, a pioneer of the international sound healing movement. 

JILL PURCE: The world of nature, animals, plants, the Earth, the relationships between the natural world and the physical world that we inhabit, is one of resonant relationships and one of geometrical forms and patterns, the way that they all relate together is the same. So if the world is a resonant world and we’re not resonating in it - and this is the irony as we’ve come to understand the world as a resonant place, which we have increasingly in every discipline – that understanding of the world as a resonant place has come concurrently with a refraining from resonating ourselves. 

ALICE: Rupert Sheldrake is a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance. He has explored the working of the mind and discovered that our perceptive abilities are stronger than many of us could have ever imagined. 

RUPERT SHELDRAKE: I came to the conclusion that plants and animals, as they grow, are organized by fields, invisible fields, which I call morphogenetic fields; form shaping fields. Each species has its own sets of morphic fields, its own memories. The instincts of animals are a kind of memory of the species. In its most general form, the idea of morphic resonance says there's a memory in nature and that the whole course of nature is essentially governed by habits.
ALICE: Consider this. Could the purpose of food we eat, be much more powerful than simply transmitting calories? 

Fritz Albert Popp also introduced us to the work of Ervin Schrodinger, winner of the 1933 Nobel Prize in physics. 

FRITZ ALBERT POPP: Ervin Schrodinger, The Noble prize winner in physics, he told already more than 50 years ago, that the nature of the food and the task of the food is not to transport calories. The real task is to order the system, to bring order, to form order, to provide order, to regulate the body. So, the food has an obligation more or less to regulate us, to give us a possibility of regulation. And this comes, of course, again, by photons. 

ALICE: Organized by sunlight, the energy of photons. And that their energy capacity, includes the transmission of information. 

FRITZ ALBERT POPP: We see that the capacity of food, including all other living systems, to submit order, to give the right order to the system – this capacity depends on the storage capacity for light. Look at plants. They are living of light. Not from the caloric point of view. That’s not so important. Important is that plant and cells are organized by the sunlight. And this organization which they build up they can transmit to the consumer. So, this interaction, evolutionary interaction of order and information, originating originally from the sunlight, from the sun, and then growing up to systems of higher and higher coherence and information content. 

ALICE: We are actually eating sunlight. And sunlight is information. Wow!
Thanks to our experts, in this episode, we discovered the human body’s very sensitive antenna, and that the food humans eat is much more than calories, it’s actually energetic information! 

Well, that’s it for this mad tea party on frequency. I hope you learned as much as I did. 

Check out our book TUNING INTO FREQUENCY available wherever books are sold. And join us down the rabbit hole at ALICEINFUTURELAND.COM 

We will be bringing you new episodes on frequency so stay tuned, and keep wandering... 

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Alice in Futureland
Alice in Futureland
Alice in Futureland is a podcast series that asks you to wander into possible, probable, plausible, provocative futures. You will discover extraordinary ideas: a cross-pollination of art, science, and culture.